Thursday, October 21, 2010

Incidents Blog Post 2(pg.42- pg.64)

   As I continue reading Incidents, Jacob's describes some of the cruelest slave owners and their punishments. She reveals, "A favorite one was to tie a rope around a mans body, and suspend him from the ground. A fire was kindled over him from which was suspended a piece of fat pork. As this cooked, the scalding drops of fat continually feel on the bare flesh" (Jacobs, 46). I knew that slave owners could be very cruel people, but I never thought their cruelty could become a punishment like this. Jacobs also describes a slave owner who punished one of their slaves for running away, first by lashing him hundreds of times and then by jailing him. Then he placed the slave between the screws of an Cotton Gin for 4 days where all he could do was barely turn on his side. Jacobs describes, "When the press was unscrewed, the dead body was found parially eaten by rats and vermen" (49). This really surprised me. I don't understand how people can just play around with and throw away other people's lives like these slave owners did. The slave owners treated dogs better than they treated their slaves. They learned not to care and believed that slaves were property and not people. Why did so many people get away with this type of tourture during slavery?

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